How Do I Serve Someone In The Military? Anytime you are serving someone the first thing you need to figure out is where he/she is located. What is their current address? This can be extra tricky if someone is in the military where they are moving around […]
Read more →What is a Separation Agreement? A separation agreement is a contract between a husband and wife that determines property division, debt division, child custody and support, spousal support, and any other things the parties wish to agree upon. A separation agreement is beneficial because it allows the […]
Read more →What is the Difference Between a Legal Separation, Divorce From Bed and Board, and Absolute Divorce?
What is the Difference Between a Legal Separation, Divorce From Bed and Board, and Absolute Divorce? Legal separation in North Carolina is when the two spouses live separate lives but remain legally married. Couples may choose to do this for many reasons including the continuation of certain […]
Read more →What Does Same-Sex Marriage in North Carolina Mean for Parental Rights? Many gay and lesbian couples have faced several obstacles in obtaining parental rights to their children. This is because historically only the biological parents received any parental rights without an adoption. This means that when couples […]
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